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Types of Cheese flavors

a cheese plate with several cheeses

There are 7 different cheese flavors. These flavors depend on the making process that the cheese followed. These seven flavors are:

Fresh flavor: This is a slightly acidic flavor and creamy. It is particularly found in extra fresh cheeses with either smooth or granular textures : soft white cheese, fromage blanc, cottage cheese, goats’ milk cheese , etc.

Neutral flavor: It’s a flavor which is typical of the majority of fresh hard non-processed cheeses made from pasteurized milk. But it also includes very newly refined cheeses (except veined and washed cheeses). This type of cheese is often eaten by people who do not appreciate rich flavor cheeses.

Mild Flavor: This is particularly found in cream-enriched cheeses because creaminess removes all aggressive tastes. It can also be found in non-processed fresh cheeses when they are in their newly-refined phase. This flavor is present in Brillat Savarin, Marinettes, Crémet du Mont St Michel, St Nectaire, etc.…

Understated flavor: This flavor is found in all cheeses that have had an interrupted phase before maturity. Cheeses that have this flavor are soft or 3 months old hard cheeses. It could also include ones of special manufactorie. These cheeses are Camembert, Munster, Maroilles, Brie, Coulommiers, Raclette, etc.

Pronounced Flavor: It often defines well-produced cheese, not too thick. It can also include well-refined and fruity firm cheeses, These types of cheeses are Camembert AOC, raw-milk Brie, Bourguignon au Chablis, Curé Nantais, Beaufort, Fribourg, etc.

Strong flavor: These cheeses have very strong taste and some of them have an even stronger smell. Some of them might be hard thick cheeses or long-fermentation soft cheeses. This includes Livarot , Maroilles, Munster, Bleu des Causses, etc.

Very strong flavor: Theese cheeses are normally macerated cheeses or very slow-fermentation cheeses and including some well-refined blues. This includes cheeses like Tomme with brandy, Boulette d’Avesnes Corsican blue, Roquefort.

goat cheese camembert cheese

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